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Why Aren’t You Married Yet?

whyareyounotmarriedpostEvery year you celebrate your birthday, something whispers to you “you are not getting younger, why aren’t you married yet?” Your biological clock is ticking louder and you are getting worried! 

There are several reasons why people don’t get married early. Know for sure that no one is too late to get married because the primary reason for marriage is companionship before other reasons, God said it is not good for the man to be alone, let’s find a help meet for him.

Some of the reasons for delayed marriage include:why are you not married 1

  • Personal choice: some choose not to get married early as a matter of personal choice and for reasons best known to them. So have you made a personal decision not to get married? If your answer is no, then relax! You will soon be married; it’s a matter of time.
  • Past disappointments: some have disappointments in their relationship, like broken relationship after years of courtship, thereby making them start all over again, reasons for breakage can be from wrong choice, partner’s unfaithfulness, and several other reasons. Disappointments and unmet expectations have even made some to suspend issues of relationship with the tag “all guys/girls are the same”. Some before they realize that they are in error, the time has really gone. So shake up the dust of past disappointments, put yourself together, learn from past mistakes, stop dwelling on who is responsible. Move on and hope for the best.
  • Choice problems: some people have problems of choice as a result of high expectations and judging mainly from the outward appearance. Do not allow your head overrule your heart, as a child of God, your primary concern among other things should be that your spouse is also a child of God, so you can both build your home on Christ. Of course in choosing a partner it’s good to pray about it and ask God for leading and guidance. It’s not as if you can’t choose by yourself but the fact is that God can see beyond what you can see, so it’s best to ask for His leading and guidance as you make the right choice. If you are finding it difficult to make a choice, asking for counsel from experienced marriage counselor will be the right thing to do. The counselor will be able to ask you so many questions and carefully guide you. Do not hesitate to contact one if this is what is keeping you from getting married. (We do offer free counsel if you will like to talk to us, visit out contact page or simply send  mail to
  • Ambitions: some people have set so many goals to achieve before they get married, like higher degrees, personal house, cars etc only to realize that time has gone. Are your goals keeping you from getting married? You may need to revisit your plans. You don’t have to achieve everything in life before you get married. The bible says He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Don’t rub yourself of that favor.
  • Lack of money: some people are too poor to even take care of themselves not to talk of taking care of a family. The time they will get married may be prolonged in the bid to put the basic things in place. Is poverty the cause of your delayed marriage? You may need to talk to a counselor who can offer relevant advice on financial planning and entrepreneurship.
  • Parental consent: some people have delayed marriage as a result of spending several years to get their parents’ approval, especially when the parental preference is in opposition to what the child wants. Try as much as possible to settle any dispute with your parents as soon as possible, you may need the interventions of your pastor and other people your parents respect.
  • Delusion of grandeur: some people spend all their life waiting for a partner who is abroad, only to realize later that the relationship can’t work. Are you caught up in this game? Please wake up and look elsewhere!
  • Emotional reasons: some cannot handle relationship as a result of their emotions (too moody or too temperamental). Are you always irritated by little things? Some people can’t tolerate others; if that is you then you must have a change of attitude. In marriage, you must be able to tolerate your spouse, the bible says love is kind, love is patient, and it’s not easily provoked! (read 1st Corinthians 13). Someone said “if you hate nonsense, then don’t get married because marriage is filled with nonsense”, that being said, it does not mean that marriage is filled with problems, it will be very wrong to enter into marriage with a wrong attitude and wrong expectations, what it simply means is that despite the good things to be enjoyed in marriage, there are times of disagreements, misunderstandings, adjusting to raising kids, your spouse doing things differently from the way you do your things while you were single…etc.
  • Behavioral issues: some people behave so badly and live a very terrible life that nobody prays to get married to them. Some spend their life in immoralities, clubbing and partying, womanizing, prostituting and other vices. Note: you can’t be a bad partner and be praying for a right partner, that will amount to gross injustice. Be a right partner by first developing a relationship with Jesus. Having a good relationship with God is the very first step in your relationship journey. Surrender your life to Jesus. Check out our best decision page to learn more or simply pray the prayer below.
  • Appearance and personal hygiene: some people take things for granted and don’t really care about their appearance, and hygiene. Some are physically dirty and rough thereby repelling potential suitors. If a good content is badly packaged, it will be hard to get anyone interested. The fact that we often ask people not to depend on outward appearance does not mean appearance does not matter at all; it’s just that it will be wrong if your only consideration is appearance without looking at character, so the perfect thing is a good heart matched up with a good appearance. So my friend, ask yourself, how do I look? But be careful not to overdo things, because the way you dressed is the way you will be addressed, moderation with cleanliness is the right key!
  • Divine timing: God might be working out something great in some people, and they just have to wait a little extra, if all is done and you still have to wait, please wait patiently on God as He has the best for you, DON’T GIVE UP! He makes all things beautiful in His time!
  • Satanic reasons: Though some may find this difficult to believe due to their background, but anyone that grew up in Africa will understand that sometimes, some wicked forces do prevent some people from getting married due to curses and evil spells. If the devil can prevent people from succeeding in other facets of life, why do you think it’s impossible for the devil to afflict people maritally especially if he knows that you are going to have a successful home and godly children. So it is proper to pray against any satanic forces that may be militating against your marital life. If you need assistance in prayer, you may kindly consult your pastor or drop your prayer request in the comment session below, we will be glad to pray with you, and if you will like us to pray with you over the phone, you can also drop your phone number (we won’t publish your prayer request or personal detail) we will give you a call.

Read these articles also How to attract the right guy  and How to cope with singleness in your 30s . check others below and visit the home page for more.

Please don’t keep your challenges to yourself, a problem shared is a problem solved. We will be glad to hear from you and to pray along with you.

With Love from
Paul Ojomu
You can connect with me directly on Facebook  for a chat…

If you want to start a relationship with Jesus, please pray the prayer below

Say this simple prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I have seen myself as a sinner, I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong in my life (take a few moment to ask His forgiveness for anything particular that is on your conscience). Please forgive me and cleanse me with your blood.
Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free. I confess and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Let all the works of darkness be destroyed in my life.
Thank you Lord for accepting me as your child and for writing my name in the book of life. Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you heavenly father, in Jesus name I pray (amen)

If you have prayed this prayer wholeheartedly, I want to happily welcome you to God’s sweet family (let us know also). As you have received forgiveness, you must forgive all those that has despitefully used and hurt you. The bible says forgive and you shall be forgiven!

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” 2 Cor. 5:17 (KJV)


  1. Tell someone (others) about your new faith in Jesus. When you tell others, then it becomes a reality to you. Let your friends and families hear the good news.
  2. Read the bible. The bible is the word of God, read it daily, you can start to read few verses each day, you can start from the book of John (in the new testament).
  3. Start to pray. Pray daily, pray in the morning before you begin the day, pray before you sleep, pray to him in songs, confession, thanksgiving and intercession (praying for others)
  4. Join a bible believing Church. It is important to be part of a group of Christians who worship God in truth.

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  1. Uche

    Good morning sir,
    Am so glad I came across your page, God belss you.
    Please I need your prayers, I have been meeting the wrong people this has caused me delays in getting married, I know God has great plans for me.

  2. brenda

    thank you so much sir for availing yourself, am experiencing marital delay I really need prayers,thank you

  3. Ebunoluwa J Agboola

    Gudmrni sir,m so happy dah i came across dis jst nau,plz i really nid yr prayers, cos m experiencing marital delay ,I want God to break every yoke hindering m to get connected to ma spouse n get married…I kw God have d best fr m buh i wnt d manifestation dis month,dis year…. #itiswellwitME

  4. Beatrice

    Please I need prayers, I and my friend are experiencing marital delay. I know the solution is God almighty. Thanks

  5. Tochukwu

    Good evening Sir, Thank you very much for allowing God to use you to bless so many lives. Pls I need prayers for I and my younger Sister, we are experiencing marital delay. I believe and trust God.

  6. jules

    good book GOD BLESS you

  7. Cynthia N

    Pls I need prayers, I have been experiencing martial delay. l believe only God has a solution to it. thanks

  8. Ohue Captain

    Always on point. God bless you real good sir and grant you more wisdom to do that which you have passion for.

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