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Pornography: The way out!

ponpostPornography is one of the greatest weapons the devil is using to destroy our world today. From soft porn (sexually explicit contents, erotic, nude or semi-nude individuals or couples acting out) to hardcore pornography (real sexual intercourse on display and other pervasive acts), the consequences is devastating as it makes the individual watching burn with lust, masturbation, and uncontrollable desire to engage in casual sexual activities.

Lots of young people become addicted to porn, not just in one day; it usually starts pornography way outfrom enjoying the soft sexual activities on movies, novels, Facebook, YouTube, TV, or carelessly dressed individuals on the street etc, then gradually seeking for those contents on the internet, TV, etc until you become caught up in the web of pornography and you finally discovered you cannot do without watching porn, you crave for it daily to satisfy your sexual desires and fantasies.

Porn is destructive, it pollutes the mind. It reduces women into nothing but sexual objects, and the men as sexual predators! Pornography is sinful, Jesus said whosoever looks at a woman lustfully has already committed fornication with her in his heart (Mathew 5:28). Unfortunately, a lot of Christians are addicted to it, watching porn on their mobile devices, TV, computers etc.

Are you caught up in the web of pornography? You discover you cannot control yourself anymore, the more you try to stop the more you find yourself watching it… if your heart cry today is “oh wretched man/woman that I am who will deliver me from the burden of this death”! I want to congratulate you that today you can break loose from the bondage of pornography if only you can be sincere and allow the Lord take over your life.

The following 16 steps will help you live above pornography and other sexual related sins.

  1. Surrender your life to Jesus: Accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is the very first step you have to take. You need to confess your sins to Jesus, ask for His forgiveness, Accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, He will fill you with the Holy Spirit that will empower you to overcome sin and Satan. If you want to learn move visit our Best Decision page.
  2. Delete all porn movies and pictures on your phone, computers etc. Ensure you clean your devices from those pictures and movies, including website bookmarks and also clear your browsing history. Use filters to block pornography and sexually explicit contents on your computers.
  3. Leave any Facebook or other social media group that is always displaying nude/semi-nude pictures, block contents from any friend on Facebook who is always feeding you with sexual contents, if you don’t know how to set the filters, simply unfriend them. You are responsible for what you allow in your life.
  4. Make a decision that you won’t search for porn and sexual contents on the internet, don’t think twice before you close any pop up page with porn materials on them!
  5. Destroy all porn magazines, novels, pictures, CDs, DVDs in your possession, don’t keep anyone behind.
  6. Don’t fall for the deceit that porn will enhance your sexual life when you are married; it will only complicate issues for you. Lots of married people are frustrated as a result of their partner’s addiction to porn. Porn will not help your marriage; it can only destroy it as a Christian. Take heed!
  7. Pray to God to cleanse your heart and imaginations
  8. Try and avoid places that will tempt you into sexual immoralities, like red light districts, etc.
  9. Immediately turn your TV off if the program you are watching is tending towards soft porn or any immoral acts, or simply change the channel. Don’t assume you can always stop along the line, one small thing will always lead to another thing and before you know it, you are back to porn again…Discipline yourself, take a decision against porn. Remember the devil will always tempt you, but you have to take your stand! The bible says resist the devil and he will flee, the same bible says “flee fornication”. Wisdom demands that you simply walk or flee out of the tempting environment, be wise!
  10. If possible, avoid friends that are always discussing porn or pervasive ideas with you. Let them know you are a Christian, and let them know your stand!
  11. Focus your energy and passion on loving the Lord and fulfilling His desires for your life.
  12. An empty mind is the devil’s workshop, get busy with positive things, face your career, your life goals, your spiritual life, turn your idle moments around, spend time to pray, meditate, sing, read the bible and gospel literature. Engage in bodily exercises, outdoor games etc
  13. Follow these two scriptures: the first one is Job 31:1 “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman”, so make a decision that your eyes will not look at porn, or look at the opposite sex lustfully. The second scripture helped me too when I was young it’s in 2 Corinthians 10: 5 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ is the main thing, whenever the thoughts want to cross your mind, say it clearly to yourself, “I bring you thoughts into captivity in Jesus name”!..then try and change whatever you are doing at that moment… you can take a walk, read your bible, or anything that will change the immediate setting…if it’s in the night on your bed, just get up and play a Christian music maybe from your phone, in fact, cultivate the habit of playing lots of Christian worship songs on the bed, it helps your mind. The bible says GUARD YOUR HEART WILL ALL DILIGENCE, for out of it are the issues of life, and always pray for His grace to hold on!
  14. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19 . You must realize that your body is God’s temple which must not be polluted!
  15. Discuss with your Pastor or a trusted believer who you can be accountable to. The bible says we should confess our faults one to another and pray for one another so we can be healed (James 5: 16). If you are married, confess and discuss with your spouse also.
  16. Finally, get busy with God, seek to know Jesus Christ more, the more of Him in your life, the more you can live as an overcomer. “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5: 16). Seek to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, be active in your fellowship, join your local church workforce. Work for God! Dedicate your life and your time to Him! Volunteer for noble causes, write articles and send to us, we will be glad to publish them for you…begin to walk and work for God and porn will lose its grip over your life.

Read  these points and any other one the Holy Spirit lays in your mind over and over again till it becomes part of your life.

You can connect with me directly on Facebook  for a chat…

Also read others’ comment below about their experiences, it will be of help.

I’m your friend,
Paul Ojomu.

Read other articles on this blog:
What Is Really Wrong With Sex Before Marriage
He took off my underwear
I kissed Jezebel
How to attract the right guy
Once upon a valentine
Cynthia must die but Mercy said No
My uncle had sex with me.   and many more…

If you have further questions and counseling, feel free to contact us, you can also use the comment box below to reach us.

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CYNTHIA Must Die, But MERCY Said No!


  1. Zakaria

    Thank you, I can say I am a lady addicted to porn .This thing of porn looking started when I was at high school and I did notice it.It became worse when I was at college.And I am still at college,today I was viewing some porn content on a Sunday in a daylight.And there was an advertisement on the side of the porn site I was in that, it talks about Jesus Lord Saviour. I am a Christian , so that made me guilty and I clicked it and it leads me here on the help. I WILL NEVER GO BACK ANYMORE if I am tempted I will try the techniques mentioned above.If that do not work I will ask for counselling. Because I can’t serve two masters its either I am for God or devil. And I do not want to be for devil. And he wants to steal God’s people by this thing like pornography.But shame on him because our Father is jealous of us that is why there are site like yours. God sent you to save people like me. Thank you God bless.

  2. bloom

    well. this has been encouraging but what if you have issues on trust
    how do u Tell believers and expect it to be safe since we all are humans

    • Youth&Singles

      Thanks for your comment and question, I expect you should be able to trust your pastor enough to help you out. I understand some people are not trustworthy but definitely there are some that are still reliable. if you want us to counsel you, please send a mail directly to

  3. Emily Mutola

    Am so much encouraged with the information

  4. Emily Mutola

    They are good advice for young ladies and gentlemen, I like it

  5. Anderson Louis Maria

    Defeat Lust & Pornography Jesus vs. Porn: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust Tuesday, September 11, 2012 | Written by Guest Author by Dan Sheldon.

    It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age. It was all innocent enough. My neighborhood friend found his dad’s stash of Playboys and he showed them to me. Like all addictions, it started small and snowballed out of control. It started with Playboy, but when that wasn’t enough, I started looking at Penthouse, when that wasn’t enough I went to harder and harder material. When the Internet came around it was over, I could look at whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. From Porn to Sex Viewing porn started to affect my “real life.” I had many partners and starting acting out some things I was seeing. I didn’t care who the person was as long as I was getting what I wanted.

    I felt lonelier and lonelier with each partner. I no longer knew who I was. Then I really hit the bottom. One drunken night at the bar, I had unprotected sex with a girl I met there. I ended up getting Chlamydia. That really scared me. What if it would have been AIDS? I called my friends who are born again Christians. I asked if their offer to take me to church was still open. I started to go to church with them and even answered an altar call.

    I didn’t feel any different and started right back down the road of sex and porn. Coming to Christ A few months later, while I was on the Internet surfing through some really hardcore porn, a voice said to me, “This isn’t how you are going to find a wife, and it isn’t how you are going to be a good dad someday.” I later found out this voice was the Holy Spirit talking to me. The Holy Spirit knew I had always dreamed of being married and having children. I had all but given up on that dream. However, I actually listened to that voice this time. I clicked off the Internet that night. A few days after that I went on a train ride with my friends. After the ride we stopped to eat. As we were eating, I started to tell them about my addiction. How I couldn’t get porn out of my life. My friend said to me, “All you have to do is admit your sins to Jesus and accept him as your Savior.” I looked at her and said, “I think I just did.” From that moment I was forgiven for my sins! The Difference Jesus Makes My story was just beginning. I started to go back to church. This time, it was different: I wanted to change! Everything started in small steps. The first was throwing out all the porn magazines and DVDs. Next, I threw out all the extra “stuff” I collected from my former partners. The next thing was I stopped drinking. When I got drunk I would do things I wouldn’t do otherwise. One of the hardest things to give up was using my phone to sext. I kept that one girl in my phone so I’d still be able to flirt. I was finally convicted of it and told her I could no longer do that. I also realized I couldn’t use the Internet late at night when no one else was around and I deleted my MySpace page because it was too easy to find porn. I was starting to finally be content with being alone. That’s when God put a special woman in my life. We met at membership classes for the church. I was afraid to be in a relationship because of all the things I had done in the past. I told my future wife everything within three weeks of knowing her. Telling her if she wanted out, that would be the time. She didn’t leave. We were married in December of 2008. In January we were given the news that my wife was pregnant and in September my little boy was born! I adopted her daughter as well! The things I always dreamed about! Going Deeper with Christ During that time I still continued to grow. I had a meeting with one of the pastors and he helped me break the soul bonds I had created with all my past partners.

    I also threw out anything in my house that reminded me of old girlfriends, even if they weren’t sexually related. Later I started to use Covenant Eyes on my computer with my wife and an Accountability Partner getting the Reports in their e-mail. The next step was finding a group of guys who get together once a week for face to face accountability. Another thing I have been working on is masturbation. I struggled with that when I first came to the Lord. I was taught that with God’s grace it can be defeated! I am also working on getting rid of lustful thoughts and changing my thought process. It took years for me to get to the point I was at and it took time to change that. Looking Back: 7 Important Steps The porn problem hasn’t been much of a problem lately, but I will continue to take steps to make sure it doesn’t come back into my life. The most important things it took for me to come as far as I have: 1. I admitted I had a problem 2. I asked God to help me through the work Jesus Christ did on the cross 3. Taking small steps 4. Transforming my thoughts 5. Accountability(both on the computer and face to face) 6. A continuous choice to want to get better 7. I found a good church to help me I have come a long, long way since I gave my life to Jesus in October of 2007, and with the help of Jesus Christ I will continue on my walk!

    this is what porn, masturbation and fornication affect our future…we all should try to shun the aforementioned cos they destroy us not satisfy us

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